Shutter Shelves Take Two

I have been pleased to get orders from all over, including three recently from Florida.

Now, in case you didn't realize I'm in Northern Ontario, Canada, so people are finding me on the internet and that is exciting!

I did a guest post for Gail at My Repurposed Life on making a shutter shelf  ("Shutter Repurposed Into Shelves") and when I posted it here as well, it became my top viewed post. I'm quite sure that it being seen on Gail's blog led to quite a few "pins" on Pinterest.  Thanks Gail, because that is where this Florida buyer found me.

Tarah liked my Shutter Shelf idea but wanted me to make her two, in the turquoise colour ASCP "Provence." I did exactly that and mailed them to her and here they are in her laundry room:

>>More photos here in an updated blog posting<<

In case you want to try making one, here's the original one, I give a tutorial on how I made it here:

If you make one, please share it with me, I'll post it on my blog.

Thanks again, Tarah, for your purchase!

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