
Thursday, March 1, 2012

More cheese boards

The boards I posted about here last fall have sold and I was asked to make a few more.

Two of the boards are made by gluing together strips of hardwood.

This one has 7 strips of alternating maple and cherry and is 10" long x 5 1/2" wide x 1" thick. :

The second board is also striped, but I chose to put a hole in it and shape the end, it's maple and some mystery wood. It is 9 1/4" x 4 3/4" x 1":

The third board is a large slab of yellow birch and is 14" long x 8" wide and more than 1" thick.  I removed the bark but kept the shape of the edge where the bark was.  I also attached stainless steel handles which had screws that I countersunk into the bottom of the board.

I put mineral oil on my boards, it really changes the look of the wood as you can see with this board and should be used regularly to keep your boards from drying out:

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  1. Julie-your cheese boards are gorgeous! Almost too pretty to use. ;)


  2. You really do lovely work, Julie! I would imagine the cheese boards are a bit time-consuming to construct...but they sure turn out terrific!

    Thanks for linking to Time Travel Thursday again. Hope you'll join the fun this week, too.

    Liz @ The Brambleberry Cottage

  3. These are soo, sooo beautiful. I adore them. You are very talented. How often do you recommend oiling?

  4. Love it! I have always wondered how these were made. The last one is my favorite...

  5. So gorgeous! I love the stripes...they are beautiful!

  6. Those are gorgeous. I can see why you were asked to make more.

  7. These are stunning! That last one is quite creative and fun.
    I've always been a fan of the 2 tone cutting board. Where do you purchase the mineral oil from? grocery? Home Depot? I've never been able to find it here.

  8. Thanks for all the comments. Mineral oil should be applied once a week for a month then once a month, or as needed. It can be purchased at any drug store.


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