
Sunday, January 19, 2014

Love is patient...

I make all my signs from scratch.  Meaning I cut them to size from larger wood, often rough wood that is planed and changed from it's original size.  This leaves me with a lot of wood scraps and at some point I have to sort through and ask myself if I will actually use them.  I swear they multiply in my wood storage boxes.  Thankfully, I can use most scraps in my outdoor wood stove or my indoor fireplace.  I do find it hard to throw out anything though, and as I'm throwing some in the fire I often hesitate and wonder if maybe I can use the wood for something!

I did save these pieces from that fate.  They are all about 1 5/8" wide and cut to different lengths from 15" - 16". I glued and nailed two cross pieces that hold these all together.  I used my steel wool and vinegar stain which I described here and then did a dry-brushing of white over top.

The saying is hand painted in black, perfect for Valentine's or any day:

16" high x 13 1/2" wide

Now, just think, these pieces of pine would have been burned up!  I think I'm going to have to really take a second and third look at my scraps from now on.

This sign is for sale for $40.  Or maybe I can make a special sign for you? Please contact me through my email at

Upcycled, Repurposed and Vintage Decor Inspiration Party Knick of Time Tuesday

Sharing at:
The Scoop
Knick of Time
Elizabeth & Co.
Beyond the Picket Fence
Funky Junk Interiors


  1. very beautiful Julie! I love everything about your sign, especially that it is made with love from scraps! :)

    thanks for sharing it on the MRL facebook page!

  2. How cute! I know what you mean about the scraps. There comes a point at which no more will fit in the bins or shelves and then they are just a safety hazard. I'm glad you were able to save these and make something useful and hopefully profitable from them.

  3. What a great way to utilize those left over pieces, beautiful!

  4. Sweet and so true! Pinned your beautiful sign:)


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