
Thursday, March 20, 2014

Welcome Spring

They tell me today is the first day of spring.  I am seeing no signs of it.
Please don't tell me you have crocuses peeking through the earth.

This is my garden today... there is a bridge and a pond under there somewhere.


  1. No it doesn't look like spring in your area.....but it WILL!

  2. While I don't have a yard full of snow at the moment, I do have a yard full of mud and that's almost as depressing. We have to get our yard in pretty soon which means I have to have some kind of a clue what kind of gardening/landscaping to do so we don't plant grass seed there. But the weather sure doesn't feel like grass/gardening/landscaping weather... :( Come on Spring!!


  3. I know you get tired of snow and cold weather, but it looks so pretty. We only had one "snow event" this year and it was hard little pellets that looked more like hail than snow falling.


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