
Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Adding a Beam - Part 2

Last time I wrote about making a beam for the ceiling which you can read here and left it at this point:

My beam is made like this, with the bottom piece having tongues on each edge which sit in grooves in the side pieces. So the next thing I did was put grooves in all the side pieces and made rabbets on the bottom pieces, which left the tongues to go into the grooves.

The next job was to stain all the pieces:

I glued just one side piece to the bottom piece, this would allow me (actually my husband) to wire up the lights easier than trying to do it with a completed beam.

Here you can see that the beam is just an L shape for now with the front (side piece) off.  I screwed the back side piece into the 2 x 2s. This way the wiring is inside and cut to the proper lengths for each of the four pot lights.

The pot lights were then wired in place and could be checked to see that they worked properly before sealing up the beam:

The front side piece was then screwed in to the 2 x 2s at the top (after this photo was taken I painted the screws a brown that left them pretty much invisible):

and also glued and clamped along the bottom:

Here's the finished dovetail, which I actually put more dark stain around so that the shape of the dovetail would show up better:



This turned out just as I pictured it in my head before I started, so I am pleased with it.  The pot lights are also on a dimmer switch and they give a nice ambience to the room.

Hopefully this tutorial can help someone else out who is wanting to do something similar.

Sharing at:
Common Ground
DIY Vintage Chic
Funky Junk Interiors
Knick of Time

I was featured at:

DIY Vintage Chic


  1. Thanks for the information. My husband is going to be just thrilled to have to do this :)

  2. way to go Julie--great job!

    I love the new look


  3. How beautiful! It is all in the details ;) Love the dovetail, the lights, and the stain color, great job Julie!

  4. How freaking amazing are you?! What a great look!

  5. Just gorgeous Julie - I'm with Anne - you're too freaking amazing for words -
    Lucky people that buy your home, seriously -

  6. Ohh nice. Thanks for the tutorial. If I have to try this at any time I'll keep this in mind.

  7. Oh this is awesome. We have always wanted to do this!!!

  8. So so so beautiful Julie!! Wow, and I love the dovetail! It seriously looks amazing, you should be very happy!

  9. Congrats! Your beam tutorial will be featured on tomorrows Friday’s Five Features over on DIY Vintage Chic. Stop by and grab yourself a button! Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thanks so much Becca, it's a thrill to be featured on your blog!

  10. Wow! That totally knocks my socks off. I knew it would look good from your previous post on it but that exceeds my imaginings. Just terrific.

  11. Found a link to your "how to not make a table" post and found this - at the moment I want to make a beam similar to yours. Thanks!


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