
Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Chihuahua Love

I've had a few dogs in my life, but never a little tiny one.  I've wanted a Chihuahua since I was a teenager, but never did get one.  I had a Golden Retriever, a Labrador Retriever and currently have two Rough Collies, and the time was just right.  I am a firm believer in buying from registered breeders and I've been a memeber of the local kennel club for over 25 years so I asked friends if they could recommend a breeder.  No one knew a Chihuahua breeder, so I searched online and found just the perfect puppy for our family, from a breeder who has beautiful Chihuahuas, winning in the show rings.

His official name is TEGS Cisco kid, but we call him "Cisco." He turns one year old tomorrow, Sept. 6th, and has been such a wonderful little dog since the day we got him in December of last year.

This photo is blurry, but it shows him just after we got him, on the scale weighing less than 3 1/2 pounds:

I take a lot of photos of him, here are a couple from about a month ago, he's about 5 1/2 pounds now:

Little Cisco just loves his big "brother" and "sister" and they are so gentle with him:

I could go on and on with photos, but will end with this one taken a few months ago of Cisco on the couch with my daughter Laura:

We just all adore this little dog, he is a tiny package of love! Happy Birthday Cisco!

** On Friday I'll be guest posting at one of my favourite blogs so when I blog here on Friday I will let you know just where to go to find me **

Sharing at Funky Junk's Pet Parade


  1. What a cutie!

    We had a black & tan chihuahua named Rudy until he was 13 years old.

    He was the love of our life & such a funny little fellow!!


  2. awww, cisco is a cutie! The big brother and sister are pretty too! Love the picture of Laura and Cisco!


  3. Have to admit Cisco is a cutie but Twister and Billie speak to my heart. We had our last Collie put down in March (she was 14). I miss her still and we are determined to find another. We got an English Shepherd about year before she died and I love Bonnie dearly (she is smart as a whip) but I so miss having a collie. We had had one for almost 30 years.


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