
Friday, September 7, 2012

Letter and Number Tiles

I'm sure many of you have seen and even made blocks with letters on them.  This is something a bit different that I came up with.

I made these letters and numbers out of leftover 2 1/2" wide and 3/4" thick wood strapping, that I believe was about 8' long. This type of strapping is used in construction and has slightly curved edges, which gives a nice finish.

Each length of strapping was first grooved on one long edge and then I cut away to leave a tongue on the opposite edge.  Obviously the tongue has to fit the groove! I showed making grooves here in this link

After the long piece is done, I cut it up into pieces that were 2 3/4" long.

You can see here how they fit together.  It's not too tight and not too loose, so they can sit upright on a shelf, but are not so tight that you can't move them around.

Each tile was then painted white and then I hand painted letters and numbers on them.  I used a basic font that I had on my computer and enlarged to the correct size, about 1 7/8" tall.  I printed them out on my printer and used carbon paper between the paper and the wood tile to transfer the outlines of the letters. Then I filled in the letters with black craft paint.

After painting, I used sandpaper to distress the letters and also added a bit of glaze mixed with brown paint. When that dried, I also coated them with a clear coat.

I sell them at my booth for $2 each and they are liked by children the most, although some young women like to buy their name and a heart and their boyfriend's name, or just I ♥ U!

Here's a few samples:

Everything I make is for sale, please contact me if you are interested.  
I also do custom orders of all my products.

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  1. Love them Julie! Especially that they hook together. As singles they would fall around just like dominos ;O)

  2. These are great! I love the simplicity of them! Thank you for sharing this at Rustic Restorations Weekend!

  3. So cute!!!! I take it you grooved the wood yourself? How could one achieve this easily if they don't have that fancy tool I wonder... love the scrabble tile look!

  4. Love these! BIG smile that I made it as a sample! :)

    I like yours too--with the hearts!


  5. Love these blocks. I'm your newest follower. Come check out my blog when you have a second at

  6. These are wonderful! What a great gift idea.
    Saw you sharing at Funky Junk Interiors SNS
    Debbie :)

  7. Love the letter blocks Julie. Thanks for linking up at Shabbilicious Friday.

  8. What a great idea. I thought they were Scrabble tiles at first, but these are so unique and clever. Great job. Visiting from Knick of Time.

  9. Okay, I am a new follower here, and I love the connecting letter blocks. love the blog too. I just announced a new giveaway over at my blog so come check it out!

  10. I am loving these! Totally fun and versatile. I bet they sell like mad!

  11. What a fun idea for fall or Christmas! I love the fact that they lock! I've never seen that before!

    And I love your shutter project over at Gail's! Thanks for sharing with me!


  12. I can see so many ways to use these, Julie. Very clever.

  13. These are super unique and would make for a terrific gift!

  14. Very creative! Love it! And I would love for you to come share at my Farm Girl Blog Fest:

    And while you're visiting, enter to win a copy of Laura Childs' new mystery Stake & Eggs (the tab to enter the contest is at the top of my homepage)

    Fresh Eggs Daily


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