
Sunday, October 14, 2012

My Workshop - Part 4 - The attic and roof

Now where were we?  (I am blogging about our build, this is from Sept. 2008, so four years ago)
Oh yes… we have to start the upper floor, I am going to call it the attic.
Let me remind you that my husband did all of this part completely on his own. I was recovering from carpal tunnel surgery and unable to carry anything or hammer or do much at all other than supervise! There were no stairs yet, so all the pieces had to be pulled up from the front or brought up on a ladder. It was a lot of heavy work for one person and a heck of a lot of pieces.
He started by making the upper front wall in two pieces:

He then made, similarly the back wall and put up a roof ridge and two 4’ tall knee walls.

Rafters then had to be placed that met the ridge and were notched to be rested on the knee walls and again on the top edge of the side walls.

It was Sept. 2008 at this point and the next step was putting plywood on the roof. Of course all of this plywood (to cover a garage of 40’ x 40’) had to be lifted up through the attic and most of it was nailed from the inside and reaching out. 

We put up the garage door and got a truck load of fine gravel to keep the front area smooth and neat for the upcoming winter season.

Because I thought it was dangerous for my husband to do and we were running out of time before the cold weather struck, we hired a local roofer to put up the steel roof:

At some point during this time it was my job to make the stairs. They lead up to the attic from the back of my workshop and across the back wall. Since I am the chief photographer, somehow I didn’t take shots of the making of these stairs as I went, I’m not sure why but I wish I had them. It was my first attempt and turned out really well after all my calculations. This is all I could find from that time:
(This is my side of the project, 40' deep and 20' wide - all for my workshop!)

Hopefully I'm not boring you, more to come tomorrow!

You can see WORKSHOP PART 5 here


  1. I am loving your shop....Looking forward to seeing it all done as I am sure you are too :-)

  2. This is great! I love watching people build. Keep it coming; not boring at all.

  3. Your husband is good enough to make that house all by himself. Regarding the roofing, it’s nice that you already hired professional help so that the steel roof will be placed properly. I’ve read your recent blogs, but too bad I can’t find your post regarding the final outlook of this project. If you already have the update, please notify me. Can you? Thanks. :)

    -- Cody Charlebois

  4. Your posts are not boring, Julie. In fact, I’m really excited regarding the output of your project. I find it so interesting when people like you take time to build and then post blogs about it. I’m also doing some renovation in the house, but I can’t have a blog about that since I’m very busy with work. I just find little time to post comments for builders like you. :)

    -- Kermit Lukacs


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