
Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Barnboard Whale

As you probably know, I live on an island and I like to include island-themed pieces in my shop. I've made lobsters, mermaids and fish. A few weeks ago I cut a whale shape out of an old piece of barn board, it's 24" long.

cut out whale 

It sat in my shop for awhile and I felt it needed something extra.

So I found an old bed spindle in my pile of wood parts, and a piece of driftwood from a local beach. I ran the driftwood over my jointer until I got a good stable base. Then I drilled one hole in the bottom of the whale and another in the top of the driftwood base. I glued in the spindle after cutting it to length.

Tada... a whale on a stick!


or should I call it a rustic whale weathervane?

I found this online, it sold for $1250.00


I wonder if I could charge that for mine?

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  1. Love this Julie! You are my featured pick for next week, thanks for linking up!

  2. So beautiful, Julie! I am smitten with those lines! And wood. :)

  3. I LOVE that whale. The color and texture is terrific. And add to that that it's on a stick!!!!! As Ahab would say "you nailed it!"

  4. I love yours way more! The texture, the spindle and the driftwood base! <3

  5. Julie, I love this rustic whale! So cute! I just found you at Coastal Charm. Dawn

  6. Great idea! I think you could get a really good price for it!


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