
Thursday, May 29, 2014

A Big Change

A big change has started here for us.  My husband and I have decided to move and start a new life in a different place.

Eric is in a very stressful job and has already suffered a heart attack a few years ago at the young age of 54. Last fall he was transferred to working out of an office 5 hours away from here.  That meant leaving Sunday or Monday and returning Friday or Saturday.  He basically was only home on the weekends. A few months ago he handed in his resignation.  Today is his last day at work.

Our house is for sale, including, of course, my beautiful workshop.  It will be difficult to leave, since we made it for me, to my specifications and it is a dream workshop. (I will do a post on the interior soon, which I really haven't shown)

 But it's time for a change.

Tomorrow we leave for a trip to Prince Edward Island to look at houses and properties there. We are hoping for a quieter lifestyle. Eric will look for a job that will have less stress. I will continue my woodworking in some form.

No, we don't come from PEI, nor have any relatives or friends there. My 20 year old daughter will move with us. My sons are at university in different cities in Ontario.

Last year we went to Prince Edward Island and loved it. These are two photos I took:

I will write about my adventures, new place (we have to get ours sold first), and renovations we take on.

following my heart...


  1. I grew up watching Avonlea - Price Edward Island would be a dream place to live! Good luck on your new adventure!

  2. Oh PEI is gorgeous! You will love it there - good luck on your new adventure!!!!! xoxoxox

  3. God Bless. Change is good. Hope the you will find something for a shop.

    A simple life is better.

  4. Wow, that is a big change! The best of luck to you in your new adventure!!


  5. change is good, but can be scary. I'm glad you are embarking on this new adventure with your life partner and your daughter! Wishing you a safe trip, and fun times!


  6. Julie,
    Best wishes to you and your husband on your new adventure! I look forward to hearing about your new home (when you find it), and hope you still have many more wood-working projects to come!

  7. It's one of the prettiest provinces !!!
    Can't wait to hear more about your new chapter Julie

  8. Big change indeed, Julie! I like change, it's going to be a bit hard at the beginning, but once you're all settled in your new place, I think you're going to love it! How hard to say bye bye to your workshop! :( I can totally see you building another awesome workshop in your new place soon!

  9. It sounds like you're doing the right thing. Priorities of a more peaceful life.

  10. Wow... sounds like all the right reasons for a fresh start! What a beautiful place... that area is totally on my bucket list to visit one day. I wish you well and a quick sale! And can't wait to see your new place. :)

  11. WOW congrats. It sounds like it is the much needed change you both need! Good luck!

  12. Best of luck in this new adventure. While you will be leaving your beloved workshop you will be with your life partner. You can always build some type of shop, but it is really hard to find a good partner to share your life with. PEI sounds lovely. I wish both of you the best.

  13. I have always wanted to go to Prince Edward Island (big Anne of Green Gables fan here). I hope you find the perfect place there and I can come visit you sometime.

  14. Definitely a beautiful place to move to. I wish you the best and I am sure you will make your next home a beautiful place to create!


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