
Friday, June 20, 2014

My Fabulous Workshop (that I'm leaving!)

I've written a bit about the building of my workshop, but really haven't shown any inside photos.

My husband and I built a 40' x 40' garage for both of us. The whole building has in-floor heat which is wonderful to work in, especially in Northern Ontario winters. The cement floor keeps the building cool in the summer as well, which is a bonus.

My side of the building is half at 20' wide x 40' deep and was designed by me as a woodworking workshop. My workshop is the right hand side of this photo:

Because of the type of woodworking I do, and the way I work, the positioning of the tools was done in an efficient way for me to work.  

Doorway 2 is the middle door from the garage side of the building. I buy rough wood and bring it in through this doorway and to the left on to the lumber rack.  When I am going to make something I take the wood first to the mitre saw, then to the jointer, the planer and the tablesaw.  This keeps me working in a counter-clockwise manner through the shop.  It works for me!

 Doorway 1 is the door to the front finishing room.  I do most of my painting in there as well as designing and sometimes gluing.  I keep my woodworking books in the front room as well as small hand tools. This is my front room:

And this is the larger workshop room:

As I've previously posted, my house and workshop is for sale.  I really don't think I'll ever have anything this wonderful... it's a dream workshop.

I will be sharing my work space at this blog party, you can see other bloggers creative spaces here:
Where Bloggers Create


  1. It is a dream workshop! Mine is so tiny and cramped. I think this building would be a big PLUS for a perspective buyer.


  2. Holy crow! I spent all last weekend working on fixing mine up and was so pleased with it, until now... Sorry you have to leave it!

  3. Oh that is one fabulous workshop! I hope wherever you move, you can make another great one!

  4. I have always L.O.V.E.D. your workshop!!!!
    But, you'll make wonderful things...wherever you are!!!

  5. I love it! I wish I had a clean room for finishing. Your arrangement IS well planned and so efficient. Well done! I think where ever you end up that you'll find a way to make a good workshop out of whatever you have.

  6. My feelings are so mixed! I'm happy for you and your husband - the stress relief, the getting to be together more and PEI looks lovely. But I can't believe you have leave that glorious workshop behind! It's so organized! It's so efficient! (it's so clean! how do you do that?).
    I'm sure you will carve out a great space and a great new life for yourself. Follow Your Heart indeed!

  7. You know, whoever buys your property could so easily turn that into a guest cottage Julie - what a bonus - it's gorgeous really ( I remember when you made those doors !!! )
    And you'll have one again - because you'll simply build one!

  8. Well, I'm just drooling! What a big, fabulous space! Once you have something like this, you can't settle for less, you're going to have another beautiful workshop wherever you go!

  9. Wow what a wonderful space to create in!! So sorry that you are leaving it behind! Have faith that you will find something that fills your needs just as well in the future!! Thank you for letting us have a peak inside!

  10. What a great workshop, Julie! I'm sorry that you are leaving it behind. I'm sure you will find something that works for you in a future home.

  11. Change is always a bit scary, but this sounds very necessary and very good. I am sure once everything is done and you are settled in a new home, you will have an even better workshop to work from. I wish you and your family much health, happiness and peace.

  12. Imagine my surprise when I found you wood workshop after visiting so many sewing rooms. Very refreshing! I wish you well in not only finding the right home on PEI but that it will have space for you to create another creative space for you! i enjoyed my visit today.

  13. Wow this truly is a dream workspace! It is amazing! Sending best wishes for you on your move ♥ Hoping that find a new wonderful space to create.


  14. Oh my! You can get seriously creative in that wonderful space.

  15. I'm so sorry you have to give up your beautiful shop. :(


  16. Brilliant space, I love it!!! You bet you have had most wonderful times working in there, sorry you have to leave it but I hope you get in to a new wonderful space. Lovely woodwork!!

  17. What a beautiful workshop. I would not want to move! Thanks for sharing with us.

  18. Your workshop is really an ideal place. It’s too bad that you have to leave it. But I’m sure you won’t have a hard time selling it, because it is such a nice place. So, how’s the listing doing now?

    Denise Bolds @ Vancouver Canada Homes


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