
Thursday, August 14, 2014

Routering An Edge on a Sign plus Using Part of a Stencil

Well, it's been a while since I've posted.  We are STILL waiting for our house to sell, quite a few showings but not any offers.  I feel so ... stuck.  Also I am going crazy with not making things in the shop.  I have enough to move that I don't really want more but, as you creative people know, there is a constant need to make something!

So, I will show some older signs and things and maybe work on something new just to get myself out of this rut.

Most of my signs have just plain 90 degree square edges, but sometimes I change it up with a router.  I LOVE my routers (I have three) and all the different bits that can make unlimited changes to a piece of wood.

The round over bit can be used in a few ways, depending on how much of the bit you use:

If you just want to round the top or bottom edge of your work, you set the bit so that only the curved part of the bit hits the wood.  (Round over bits come in different sizes for different thicknesses of wood)
You will get a rounded edge like this:

If you want top and bottom rounded you pass the router over both sides of your wood and get this:

However, if you want a small vertical edge along with the rounded edge you allow the vertical cutter on the bit to also hit the wood and you get this:

This is what I did with my "Welcome" sign.  I used the round over bit in my router, with the router hanging in the router table and the sign face down on the table.

I don't do this in one pass, I usually make about four passes, starting with the bit lower in the table and just taking a small amount of wood off the four edges of the sign.  Then I raise the bit and take more wood off.  This is easier on the wood and the router and safer for the operator.

Here you can see the sign is face down (already painted, sorry I forgot to take a photo while I was routering):

You end up with a nice edging around your sign:

I first stained this wood with my steel wool and vinegar concoction and then painted over that with turquoise paint.  I sanded some of the paint off to distress the sign, then I used white paint on just a part of my "Paris Flea Market" stencil on each end of the sign.  Many stencils can be used in pieces to create different looks.  This one from Mudaritaville in full is quite different:

I hand painted "Welcome" in white with a grey edging:

This sign is 23" long x 5 1/2" wide.

Hope I've given some of you some ideas for your own creations!

                      Showing this at the following blog parties:              

Thanks to My Repurposed Life and  DIY Vintage Chic for featuring me!
Photobucket           DIY Vintage Chic


  1. I just made some shelves--I should have routed the edges. lol

    too late now.

    good luck with the house showings!!

  2. I like the font style too paired with the edge definitely adds a lot of style to your sign. Thanks for the tutorial. I need to practice more as I'm still not comfortable with the router.

  3. I have one router but I haven't use it in a looong time. It's amazing how a simple piece of wood is transformed by using them! I love your sign, love that color.

  4. I wouldn't know a router if I tripped over one LOL - but wow Julie - I LOVE that sign !!!

  5. Great tips, Julie! Years ago, we had a router, but somehow between moves, it disappeared. We really need another one!

  6. By the way, I forgot to mention that my blog has moved to (your sidebar still shows the blogger blog.

  7. Sign looks great! I have an irrational fear of my routers (I too have three for some reason) but I'm slowly getting more comfortable with them.
    So sorry the house sale is moving slowly. The right person will come along soon I'm sure (or maybe I'll buy it just to have that amazing workshop!) Hang in there!

  8. I'm so excited...Phil just bought a router and we have all kinds of fun things planned to do with it. :) Sorry about your house and feeling stuck. :(


  9. Hello, I keep on getting a kickback when I use my router. My wood is burned. I had this thing for years now and barely used it because of this. What am I doing wrong? I love the smell of wood burning, but not in my projects. :(

    Thanks. Fah

  10. Hi Fah, Two very important things to remember. ONE- you must feed the wood in the correct way. If your wood piece is between you and the router in the table, you push the wood from the right to the left. TWO- as I said, make a few passes. Start with just a little bit routed off the wood, go all around, then stop the router and raise the bit so there is more routed off. Do this a few times, depending on how much you want to remove.


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