
Monday, May 16, 2016

Face-to-Face Seahorses

I've been making quite a few signs that I hope visitors to our island will like.  This one is from a graphic that I got at The Graphics Fairy where there are thousands of free images for people like myself to use. (Thanks Karen!)

I glued together some pieces of wood side-by-side and cut in a shield shape.  Then I dry-brushed white paint over the front and turquoise on the side.  I hand painted the seahorse image as well as "Prince Edward Island."

This sign is 17" high x 13 3/4" wide.

I think I'll make another one similar, do you have any ideas on what colours I should use?


  1. I think it looks terrific! And the color is great!
    My only thought color-wise is that whenever I paint things different colors I run the risk of the customer liking "blue but not that blue" etc etc. I find that often the black and white option sells better because it goes more easily with people's decorations. Just my experience.

  2. Love it, Julie! dscheaney might be right, but I love this blue, it's been very popular lately.

  3. Lovely! I wish I had some "wood" skills...always wanted to learn. As for the colors, I would try a grey blue (kinda like your side bar on the blog) with white colored sea horses or whatever images. That screams coastal to me at least :)


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